With one click, you can enjoy fun, friendly, interesting English conversation, any time and anywhere, and finally join the English-speaking world!
+ At home
+ In your free time
+ Without stress or embarrassment
+ With help and support from friends, native speakers and Mr. Vig
Dear Future Fluent English Speaker,
It’s not complicated.
The simple secret to speaking better English is....
the mayor of Vig Village, Mr. Vig
You must practice speaking English!
And the more you practice, the faster you’ll improve.
You know that, right?
But the challenge my students have is...
That’s why I created Vig Village.
Vig Village is not another boring school; it’s a small, online community where you can practice speaking English:
If speaking English is your dream, I hope you join us.
To your success with English,
Mr. Vig
Mayor of Vig Village
7 Reasons Why Vig Village Is The Best Place To Practice Speaking
REASON #1 – Talk Any Time
Chat rooms are now open all day (8am-11pm CET, M-F) (and 11 hours at the weekend-more coming soon!)
Join a friendly conversation any time - perfect for busy adults.
REASON #2 – Talk Anywhere
Vig Village is a virtual village. That means it's online. And that means, you can stay home and join a chat room or join at work, or while walking, driving, cooking, etc.
REASON #3 – Speak Without Stress
Inside the chat rooms no one cares about your mistakes or your accent; everyone is friendly and wants you to succeed.
REASON #4 – A Native Speaker To Help You
Have a question? Need correction? Ask the native speaker!
REASON #5 – Always Small Groups
The native speaker controls the size of the groups to keep them small. The average chat room size is 3.
REASON #6 – Speak With Other Members At Your Level
There are three levels for chat rooms - easy, regular and advanced.
REASON #7 –. Talk About Interesting Topics
The native speaker starts the discussion but you choose the chat rooms based on what you’re interested in. You can talk about podcasts, Netflix shows, TED talks, books, etc.
You Get These Exciting Bonuses
Bonus #1
Power Word Flashcards
When you're not enjoying an interesting conversation in a chat room, I recommend you learn new words with my Power Word digital flashcards so you can use them in your next conversation.
And with this special vocabulary tool, it's fun and easy!
Bonus #2
Bridge Audio
When you're not enjoying an interesting conversation in a chat room, I also recommend you exercise your ears with my special Bridge Audio lessons.
Listen to these interesting stories during your free time and feel your understanding improve.
Bonus #3
Weekly Coaching Calls
with Mr. Vig
Every Saturday afternoon, you are invited to join me in a special meeting where I answer questions, teach and share our successes.
Bonus #4
Private Whatsapp Group
Meet and get to know the other Vig Village citizens in the private Whatsapp group!
Bonus #5
Same-Day Help From Native Speakers
Do you have a question about the right way to say it in English?
Post your question inside Vig Village and you'll get a reply from a native speaker within 24 hours.!
Vig Village Malta Meetup, November 2024
Meeting online is fun; but meeting offline is MORE FUN!
When Vig Village citizens meet, we explore the city, we take tours, we go to restaurants, and we have a lot of fun.
In 2025, we will meet in:
I hope you can join us at the next meetup!
Bonus #7
Speaking & Confidence Lessons
Not ready to speak? You will be after these video lessons.
Meet Some Of The Vig Village Citizens
"I'm really surprised."
I’m a shy person. After joining the chat rooms I noticed a change in my brain. Now I am not afraid. It’s finished.
"I can speak... I'm very confident."
After a few years of not using English is was difficult for me to start speaking again. I was all the time thinking if I was using the right word or the right tense of the verb. And when I joined the first time I was thinking, Ok, I will just listen to the others and I will not speak. But when I was in the chat room it was just natural to speak After every chat room I was better and better. For confidence in speaking, the chat rooms are very good.
"Join us... it's the best."
Now, I speak English with confidence.I am confident English speaker!
"I talk much more fluently."
In four months I learned more English than in 20 years.
"more fluent... more confident."
Today I received a call from an English-speaking person and I felt so confident! It was very nice that I felt more comfortable. And I said, Look only after three or four days! I don’t remember exactly. I am here for less than one week. It was, very, very nice.
"I see a tremendous difference"
I had the opportunity in my office to participate in a higher management meeting with three foreigners. When I talked to them I realized, Wow, I already improved my speaking!
"I am more confident to speak."
Now I know 100% I will be fluent in English.
Take A Look Inside Some Recent Chat Rooms
After some short chit-chat to warm up, the native speaker sends the members to small-group chat rooms to speak for about 15 minutes. Then they come back to the main room and it repeats. When you are a Vig Village member, you can join one of these chat rooms any time you want!
Need To Stop Or Take A Break?
It's Easy! Just Cancel Yourself.
Ready to stop? Need a break? Just click "cancel."
It's easy to start.
And now, it's EASY TO STOP.
Inside the members' area, just click on "cancel" and you won't be charged again.
No need to send an email. No waiting.
And you're always welcome to come back any time!
Speak A Lot. Pay A Little.
Private lessons are great, but speaking just one hour a day with a native speaker will cost €700-€1,000.
Or, you can practice speaking inside Vig Village for just €3.30 a day - almost 10x cheap!
Here's How To Join
Become A Vig Village Citizen
And get access to EVERYTHING you need to become a fluent, confident English speaker
3 Fluency Tools
Chat Rooms
Unlimited access to daily chat rooms (6 hours M-F; 3 hrs at the wknd)
Unlimited access to over 1,800 Power Word smart flashcards
Bridge Audio
Every day a fresh, new bridge audio story
PLUS You Also Get...
Weekly Coaching Calls
Meet live every Saturday with Mr. Vig and fellow citizens (or watch the recording later)
In-Person Meetups
Travel to a new city for the weekend and meet Mr. Vig and fellow members OFFLINE!
Private Whatsapp Group
Keep chatting with members and join the party!
If you can have a basic conversation and understand me (or at least 90%) then Vig Village is right for you. If you are a true beginner and you’re reading this with a translator, then you’re not ready yet.
Chat rooms are open about 11 hours every day.
By the end of February 2025, chat rooms will be open ALL DAY and every day, from 7 am until 11pm.
Join when you want and as much as you want.
Vig Village chat rooms are for adults only. Children can benefit from the courses and tools inside Vig Village, but inside the chat rooms we like to talk about adult topics like work, life, family, etc.
Yes. I’m usually in the Saturday evening chat room. Plus, citizens (that’s what we call “members”) can join a weekly coaching call with me where they can ask me questions, get feedback, and hear a new lesson.
This is like a gym membership. When you have a gym membership, you can go every day or just when you have time. The more the better, but most members don't go every day. It's the same with chat rooms. Join when you can. And if you can only join a few days a week, that's still better than nothing.
Yes, you can. AI is amazing. But humans prefer to talk to humans. Try asking AI about the weekend or its children. It’s just not the same.
I have many students in their 70s and at least one or two in their 80s. They like English because it keeps their brain young and fresh. You’re never too old for stronger English or a stronger brain.
Vig Village citizens do more than talk, they also get a daily routine. This daily routine teaches them correct sentences so they don’t have to worry about learning mistakes from other members.
Mr. Vig LLC. | Copyright © 2025 | All Rights Reserved.